

我が家では玄米を精米して使っています。我が家では玄米を精米して使っています。嫁の妹の旦那さんの実家が農家なので新鮮なお米を安く頂いている。保管場所は嫁の実家で、家の米がなくなりそうになると毎回取りに行っていた。でもちょっと前に全然ない!という状態になり急いで実家へ向かう。15キロの玄米を近くの精米機へ持って行き白米にする。夏のコイン精米機は暑い。おまけに出来上がったお米も暖かい。熱を逃がすために袋の口を開けておく。汗をかきながら米を運ぶ。米俵だったらちょっと楽しいのに、なんて思う。Automatically translated text:Our home is the brown rice with a rice mill. Does your husband's sister's daughter-in-law's family is so fresh rice farmers to receive cheaper. The location is the daughter-in-law's family in custody, the U.S. is running out of the house would go up every time. But none of the time just before! The state and head home quickly. 15 kilograms of brown rice to a nearby mill to go with the white rice. Summer is hot mill coins. To top it off, resulting in warm rice. Heat to escape in order to keep the bag open. U.S. and sweaty palms and a carry. Bales in the United States would have a little fun, but I think I do.

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