

いろいろと話をするようになってきた子供。いろいろと話をするようになってきた子供。以前から言葉を発してはいたけど、最近特にちゃんとした言葉を話すようになってきた。ママとパパの区別が難しかったけど、嫁が教え込んで理解したらしく使い分ける。蚊に刺された足をかくときは「カイ」という。一緒に風呂に入って水鉄砲で撃ったときも、命中した部分を「カイ」といってかく。動物が好きなようで、特にキリンとゾウがお気に入り。他にも教育番組で動物が出ると、本を出して同じ物を探す。発音がまだ変だけど、理解しているものは多い。水をどうしても「ブビ」という。アルカリイオン水を「ブビ」、水溜りも「ブビ」。自分がコーラを飲むと「コーア」。スイートポテトを嫁が芋と教えると「ミモ」。薬や化粧品を大事といつも言うので「ダイジー」と話す。自身を嫁がいつも呼んでいるように「カッチ」というようになった。面白い。Automatically translated text:To talk with many have been children. Words from the past, but recently I particularly like the word has been said. It was hard to distinguish between Mommy and Daddy, but I understand the wife's heart in the teaching SHITARASHIKU choice. Was bitten by a mosquito when you get one, "Khai," he said. In the bath with a water gun and shot at the part bull's-eye "chi" get it. Like animals, especially elephants and a giraffe favorites. Other animals also have educational programs, the same book to find out. Pronunciation is still strange, but I know a lot of things. I water "BUBI," he said. Alkaline Ion Water "BUBI" puddle "BUBI". I drink a Coke and "KOA". A daughter-in-law and teach the sweet potatoes and "MIMO". And important medicines and cosmetics, so I always say: "DAIJI," he said. Daughter-in-law always referred to himself as "of Kutch," and so on. Interesting.

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