

家族で誰も食べない伊達巻きを一人でかぶりつく。家族で誰も食べない伊達巻きを一人でかぶりつく。正月と言えば伊達巻きと錦玉子。自分の実家では当たり前だったけど、嫁の実家では両方とも食べていなかったそうだ。正月の買い出しでリクエストして購入したけど誰も食べない。1歳の子供にはまだ甘過ぎて食べさせることが出来ない。定番なのになぁ。ウィキペディアによると名前の由来がいくつかある。1つは伊達政宗の好物説。あと、普通の卵焼きよりも味も見栄えも豪華なために、しゃれて凝っている装いを意味する説。ちゃんと「つきじ入船江戸の味〜♪」を購入。1本だとさすがに多いな。飽きてきた。Automatically translated text:Date anyone in the family not eat a big bite wound alone. Speaking of New Year Date Nishiki and egg roll. His family is taken for granted, but the daughter-in-law both in the home and did not even eat. New Year's request to purchase the shop but not eat anyone. 1-year-old child is still too much sweetness can not eat. But staple job. According to the article there are some derivation of the name. One is the favorite theory Hazime Masashi Date. After an ordinary fried egg than for the taste and appearance of luxury, style knot theory means that guise. Good "taste of Edo TSUKIJI Irihune ♪" buy. One that could have done a lot. Get tired.

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