

24(7・8・9)、用心棒を見た感想。24(7・8・9)、用心棒を見た感想。『24(7)』、逃げ迷う母娘。給水塔に何とかたどり着いて、ヘリも到着。主人公は取り調べ、議員の方も話が進む。悪いやつらも次の段階へ。『24(8)』、母と娘が隠れ家へ移動して事情聴取を受ける。結局その隠れ家も襲われて車で逃げ出すが、路上駐車した場所が崖で娘だけ車と一緒に転落。母は気を失い記憶喪失。落ち着かないドラマだ。『24(9)』、母は親切な人の車で病院へ行く途中の見覚えのあるレストランへ。捜査に協力してくれた女性は相手を刺す。娘は生きていて手助けしてくれた青年のところへ。赤い野球帽の男と接触したけど逃げられ、味方の人間が狙撃してしまう。いろいろとうまくいかないよな、このドラマ・・・。『用心棒』、風に舞う枯れ葉に包丁を投げてしとめるのがすごい。最後のピストルとの勝負で「だめだ、暗くなってきやがった。畜生。」が印象的。Automatically translated text:24 (7.8.9), I saw the triggerman impression. , 24 (7), mother and daughter get lost in relief.たどり着いmanage water tower, a helicopter arrived. The main character is questioned and lawmakers also said the proceeds. They even worse the next stage. , 24 (8), mother and daughters to go to the hideout by the station for questioning. Also come to the hideout was attacked by a car out on the street where parking is the only daughter in the car with cliff-fall. My mother is about to lose its memory loss. The restless drama. , 24 (9), the kind of mother to the hospital by car on the way to the familiar restaurant. Investigation in cooperation with other women to stab me. My daughter is alive to help youth at me. Red baseball cap, but the man fled in contact with the human side of the sniper. Many problems with it, the drama. The bouncer, tinged with the wind flying to bring down the knife throwing is amazing. In the last game with a pistol and "No, GATTA and getting dark. Damned." Impressive.

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